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Showing posts from September 29, 2022

A Global Scheme to Honor African Gospel musicians.

BY: Emmanuel Larh Obese.  Coordinators of the Maiden Praise Achievement Awards have formally been uttered in Accra. The Praise Achievement Awards is a worldwide plan to respect African gospel performers in and outside Africa who have contributed hugely to being crafted by God.


BY: Emmanuel Larh Obese. MR. IBRAHIM MAHAMA TO Guide 17 YEAR OLD Normal Designer FROM UPPER EAST: Mr. Ibrahim Mahama yesterday welcomed Expert Solomon Atimbiri who hails from the Upper East District however right now dwells in Kumasi, for a mentorship meeting and show of his creation works. Mr. Ibrahim Mahama consideration was attracted to the youthful designer's video after it turned into a web sensation via virtual entertainment last end of the week. The youthful creator had the option to construct a moving backhoe and different trucks by utilizing locally accessible materials. Mr. Ibrahim Mahama took interest and chose to guide youthful Solomon Atimbiri, by offering him the required help in understanding his fantasy. He has been connected to a group of neighborhood and ostracizes engineers. He ll be given reasonable preparation at whatever point school is on break till he finishes school. He ll join the organization forever and will be working with a group of expert specialists ...


By: Emmanuel Larh Obese. UTAG, our worker's guilds in the State funded colleges in Ghana have given seven days final proposal to the public authority to address remarkable states of administration or they continue protesting on October 5. The associations in particular, the College Educators Relationship of Ghana (UTAG), Ghana Relationship of College Chairmen (GAUA), Tertiary Training Laborers Association of Ghana (TEWU-GH), and the Ranking Staff Relationship of Colleges of Ghana (SSA-UoG) need the public authority to settle their extraordinary web based showing support remittance (OTSA), and Non-finance stipends. Among different requests, the associations additionally believe that administration should settle the installment of the Book and Exploration Remittance for 2022 and execute the understanding arrived at in Spring on the execution of the market premium or survey the Single Spine Pay Construction in 2023. "The Associations additionally make a move to exhortation the Bu...

Saddened by the "leaks" and misinformation, Harvey Mason, Jr CEO OF GRAMMY AWARDS elaborates.

  By; Emmanuel Larh Obese,  As a proud member of our music community and President and CEO of the Recording Academy, I thought it important that I contact you  directly about Deborah Dugan During her brief time at the Academy, Ms Dugan and I synchronized to take a fresh look at things and make any  changes needed to improve the Academy and make the Academy better. current and more relevant to the creative community we serve . I remain committed to this goal  In November  2019, the Executive Committee became aware of abusive work environment complaints  against Ms Dugan, and in December 2019, a letter was sent by an attorney representing an employee which includes additional detailed and egregious allegations of a "malicious and intolerable" . and the "abusive and threatening" environment created by Ms Dugan for employees. In light of this disturbing news, the executive committee opened an immediate and independent investigation into Ms. Dugan's alleged...